We all connect deeply with the things, ideas, symbolisms, and even critters we love and yet, it seems, many of us don't know why. We feel that we like that thing, idea, symbolism, and critter, because it makes us feel good, but we don't always dive deeper to ask why. If we did, we would begin to understand ourselves deeper, learn what motivates us and why it motivates us, and even go as far as gain a better understanding of our deepest desires. It is true, that deeper discovery can be scary to some, thrilling to others. Poets, artistic types, such as myself, we are not afraid by what we will discover when we look deeply and we thrill in the adventure of throwing ourselves into the unknown. We love the journey of self-discovery. But, that doesn't come easily to just everyone. Some of us are afraid to become vulnerable with ourselves, to come face-to-face with the associations we make with others and not just others, but with the things, ideas, symbolisms, and even the critters we enjoy, out of fear of what we may discover about ourselves when we do. Yet, it is these associations we make which are the mirrors into our lives because they give us a profound understanding of the deeper things which make us who we are and why so. With the coming of the new year, as you think about a "new" you, perhaps there's some realization which you'll come to that will empower you to make better use of your time, upgrade your lifestyle to incorporate new, better habits each day, or perhaps be even more ignited to protect that which is sacred to you. As my New Year's gift to you, I warmly invite you to read my poem "The Game, Not Fame," via which I aim to inspire persistence, perseverance, and courage. As a special treat, I welcome you to also listen to my recorded recital with a few personal reflections as to why the Arctic fox, where I also share some incredibly admirable scientific facts about these exquisite critters. Just follow the instructions found below and enjoy the listening.

The Game, Not Fame
a poem by Carmen A. Cisnadean
Once upon an Arctic winter In a fox den lively, thrilling, Lived an Arctic fox, no kit, Chasing with ambition yare Hunting, with her eyes fixated,
On the golden fish named, Game,
No, no, no, not “Fame” I said, golden fish named Game. With a scavenging like drum In her little vulpes heart,
Dreaming dreams of future gain
With an enigmatic want, frayed
By no faux pas, her soft paws
Reach ahead, fêting the Game,
No, no, no, not “Fame” I said, reach ahead fêting the Game.
Every paw print shows the sign Of a fox at war with challenge
Chance to capture, by her tail,
To her, there’s no other way,
Simply stated, it’s by effort, How she aims, to earn her Game, No, no, no, not earn her “Fame”
I said, how she aims to earn her Game.
For the recital of my poem, along with a special, personal message I recorded for you, click on the below link which will take you to my page "Recitals." Once there, scroll down to Poem # 7
"The Game, Not Fame"- New Year's Day, 2025 https://www.carmenthecreativevisionary.com/recitals
Happy New Year Carmen A. Cisnadean
Author. Artist. Poetess.

Copyright 2024 Carmen A. Cisnadean